Learn Social Media Marketing

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 What is Social Media Marketing?

Social Media Marketing is a broad term that refers to any online marketing campaigns and efforts initiated through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

This marketing discipline often combines social media management, the act of building large organic communities on social sites, with social media advertising, paid digital marketing efforts designed to funnel new followers into those communities. Engagement with members of those communities is then leveraged to promote products, services, or ideas.

With a talented social media strategist at the helm, these campaigns can be very effective. A good social media expert working for a brand will carefully manage social media, communicate directly with followers as necessary, and keep a close watch over social media analytics.

To learn the ins-and-outs of social media optimization or build a career in social media services, many aspiring practitioners will pursue some kind of social media training. This might take the form of comprehensive social media certification programs or individual social media marketing courses.

People who excel in these courses and related careers typically share a unique combination of skills. They tend to be good communicators and they possess an ability to write clearly and succinctly, which helps where posts are limited in character counts. Marketing savvy is also a must-have as it’s critical to understand the customer and keep business goals in mind. Finally, they also possess analytical minds with a talent for understanding data, an ability to synthesize reports, and an aptitude for learning online tools quickly and efficiently.

Social Media Training

Whether you are a beginner or not, take online social media marketing classes at edX to train your marketing skills. Boston University's Strategic Social Media Marketing will teach you how to drive social media engagement by linking strategy and tactics and measuring results. You will learn how to develop a social media marketing strategy, how to manage social media, how to measure the effectiveness of social efforts, and much more.

Online Courses in Social Media Marketing

Online courses are available in a variety of Social Media Marketing subjects. Boston University offers a course in Social Media Marketing as part of their MicroMasters program in Digital Product Management, which teaches essential techniques and social media strategies to manage the development and launch of digital products.

The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania offers Fundamentals of Digital Marketing, Social Media, and E-Commerce, which teaches successful Social media training and digital marketing techniques along with real-world applications for digital marketing and e-commerce methods.

Jobs in Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing talents are in high demand right now across numerous sectors. The job site Indeed alone has more than 53,000 Social Media jobs listed. Nearly 10,000 of these start at 3,00,000 a year or more.

There are over 22,000 jobs available for “Social Media Manager” positions on Indeed, with 3,000 of those starting at $80,000 or more a year.

Explore a career in Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is one of the fastest growing sectors in marketing. Proven skills in this area are highly sought. Online coursework is one way to skill up for this exciting field. Get started with your social media training today!


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